Heroes & Villains

The Good | The Bad | The Ugly

Jack Cafferty: TV’s Most Lovable Curmudgeon

It’s Getting Ugly Out There

Mr. Cafferty appears on ‘The Situation Room,’ and discusses one or two questions, asking viewers to send in their email response. Of course sometimes the questions can be slanted, such as: “Do you think Kim Jon ll is not only mentally ill but also the worst dressed member of the Axis of Evil?”

Jack doesn’t pull his punches. But the bright side of this is how he is also keen to take on America’s own bad apples with such questions as, “Do you think George Bush is the worst President in our history or not?”

Overall we see a ‘normal man,’ – in his sixties — with normal and common sense views but brave and articulate enough to be putting them on TV. He also defies this gross tendency to put the population into two camps: Liberal and/or Conservative.

He is neither ‘Liberal,’ or ‘Conservative,’  with all the supposed set of traits or attitudes that are alleged to adhere to such appellation, but instead has a perception able to pierce through the phoniness and lies of whomever it might be.

Although Mr. Cafferty might not like this (or maybe he will), but he reminds me of my father. He reminds me of an attitude and style that doesn’t tolerate foolish ideas, cuts through the bullsh*t, and realizes that the bad traits of human nature are shared across party lines as well as political and social opinions.

Thinking about this I recall one of my father’s (Irish) sayings: “Religion means what foot do you kick with.”

October 12, 2007 Posted by | Politics | 1 Comment