Heroes & Villains

The Good | The Bad | The Ugly

Dick Cheney: Now Reports He Ran Assassination Teams! OMG. Call 4Lobbying

Editor’s Note: I had this idea that the Heroes or Villains should be different people each post. But the name of Dick Cheney keeps coming up again and again. So here he is again: The Worst of the Worst.

Dick Cheney, outside the box (and way beyond the pale)
Copy of email sent today to the DNC and the White House
(with follow up regular mail copy also sent out today).

We urge you to also contact them, at:
http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ and
http://www.democrats.org/contact.html and

Note: Since we don’t write to the White House (or DNC) everyday it was decided to mention three (3) actions that are most core to our concerns.

1. Cheney
2.Sarah Palin. The need to exercise the Constitutional power of Recall
3. The ongoing investigation into who was behind the deliberate fabrication of false documents used to mislead the nation to war.


The new President is doing a great job, setting an example of honest leadership, living up to his campaign promises and putting the country on a much better path than the nightmare of the Bush years.

But Cheney is still with us. And Sarah Palin still a governor, a governor who is working against the people in her own state by refusing to take some of the Federal stimulus plan money.

I request two things: one for each of this ‘dishonest leaders,” Cheney and Palin.

1. Cheney is hated. I an others on the “left,” can’t understand why he is not pursued for something. You have nearly nothing to lose by going after him and you have a lot to lose if you don’t.
(You will lose the enthusiasm of many Obama supporters).

The new reports of Cheney running an executive assassination ring must be investigated! Listen to what Rep. Dennis Kuchinich on this. Get the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee investigate these new allegations.

If you don’t go after Cheney on this (or something) you will lose voters in 2010.

Re: Palin. Start a recall drive against her in Alaska.

Recall is a right of the people in our Constitution and it’s a mistake that it is so limited. The Bush years show how it is needed.

Palin can be recalled. Do it.

Words alone are not going to be enough to cash in on even greater victories for the Democratic Party in 2010. More than words are needed. Action is needed.

Action against hideous unpopular and wrongdoer Dick Cheney and action against rebel hillbilly neocon conservative Republican governor Palin in Alaska.

I will print this out and mail it to you. These two issues will be the touchstone of your parties success.

My group also pursues greater truth of who was behind the deliberate fabrication of lies that misled the nation into the war in Iraq (see: http://www.americancitizenstogether.org/ACT/thesmokinggun/thesmokinggun.html) and that is the last issue I wish to bring to your attention.

It was not just ‘mistakes in judgement,’ or ‘cherry-picking,’ of intelligence that mislead the nation into war, it was Deliberately Fabricated Lies, specifically the forged documents and memo claiming Saddam was trying to buy yellow-cake uranium from Niger.

This, so far, has been whitewashed and glossed over. The Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee Investigation of this (while Bush was still President) prohibited this one fact — the forged documents – from even being investigated. Why?

Why? Because they were trying to hide something. #1) It’s ridiculous that one of the key questions of false intelligence used to mislead the nation into the Iraq war is “prohibited,” from being investigated.

#2 – It now needs to be investigated.


P.S. Contact the DNC and White House about this. All this is way out of bounds, way too much to ignored. The Democrats need to flex some muscle about this or lose support and our country loses too.

April 5, 2009 Posted by | Politics | , , , | Leave a comment


“If we’re not dead yet, it’s time to wake up.”

citizenbfk, commenting on Press Release, below

Yesterday A.C.T. (American Citizens Together) published online in it’s weekly Political Action News the accusation that ISIS (Institute for Science and International Security

Last week’s report by ISIS about Iran WMD and it’s testimony at the Foreign Affairs Committee killed the truth and falsely spread lies and fear.

Also a report revealing the sources of a prime piece of false intel used to falsely justify the Iraq War was put online, revealing who from the Bush era Office of the Secretary of Defense and who from within the U.S. intelligence community created and planted the Niger uranium forgeries — the forged documents claiming that Saddam Hussein was trying to buy yellowcake uranium from Niger.

See report at: http://www.americancitizenstogether.org/ACT/thesmokinggun/thesmokinggun.html

February 24, 2009 Posted by | Politics | , , | Leave a comment